January 16, 2025

How to Freeze Leftovers You’ll Actually Eat

A simple and easy method for freezing your leftover meals that you will actually thaw and eat later.

I can’t tell you the amount I’ve times I’ve had to throw out leftover meals because I didn’t get them in the freezer in time.

Nor can I tell you the number of times I’ve froze them then they got buried in the freezer and ended up tossing them out anyway.

But frozen leftovers don’t have to be like that.

Recently I started a new method to freezing our leftover meals and let me tell you it has been AMAZING!

Not only do I get these uneaten meals in the freezer before they go bad but we also EAT THE LEFTOVERS later on. Crazy, right?!

Hey girl, affiliate disclosure…. some links I’ve shared on this post may contain an affiliate link, meaning I may make a tiny commission at no extra cost to you. Please know, I would never recommend a product I would not use and love in my own home. Thank you for your support -xo Meg

What’s my trick for freezing leftovers?

It’s so simple and I am kicking myself for not thinking of this earlier {insert facepalm emoji}!

I freeze all of my leftovers into individual portions. I can’t even begin to tell you how much this helps my life.

I’m a single mom with 4 super active kiddos. I’m telling you they do pretty much every club and sport they can so we are constantly running.

Having single serving sized meals that are already cooked and ready to go in my freezer is a God send!

On nights when we don’t get home till 9pm I am not cooking. And Lord knows I was not prepared or organized enough to put something in a crockpot before leaving for work that morning. I try really hard to be that mom but let’s face it, I’m just not.

Here’s what you need to freeze single serving meals from leftovers

That’s it! Literally! You don’t need one of those fancy stand up bag holders. But, you don’t need a fancy food saver (although I have one and use it often to freeze other things). You don’t need anything except the bags and a utensil to get the leftovers into the bag.

How to store leftovers in the freezer to freeze?

Laying your leftovers flat in the freezer distributes the contents evenly throughout the bag. Leaving you with a nice rectangular shape to easily store like a file system in your freezer or in the door.

I hope this helps you and your family save money on your grocery budget AND makes your life easier on those crazy busy nights when you aren’t prepared and don’t have time to cook a nutritious meal for your family.

2 responses to “How to Freeze Leftovers You’ll Actually Eat”

  1. Waylynn Stephens says:

    Love this!