Hey I’m Meg and I’m so glad you’re here. A little about me…
I’m a single mom of 4 amazing daughters, 3 teens and an almost double digits girl. I LOVE being a mom and could truly never have a job title in life that would exceed that. I was incredibly fortunate to have been a stay at home mom with them for the first 14 years of their lives and I’d do it all over again if given the chance.
I have always loved cooking but not in the way that I do now. There was a major shift in my comfort level with cooking after I got a divorce. Now my girls and I brainstorm all kinds of things we want to try. Some turn out like absolute garbage while others are completely divine! Trust me…I won’t post the garbage recipes, unless that’s what you’re into lol!
One of my favorite things to do is come up with meals using ingredients I already have at home. Mostly this is so I don’t spend any more money…teacher’s salary is pretty narrow. But really, it’s a challenge and super humbling to use what you have.
My hope is that after you read some of my recipes, or all of them, that they inspire you to be just as comfortable in your kitchen as I am in mine. Also, I hope to show in my recipes that you can feed your family healthy wholesome meals and it doesn’t have to take all day and it doesn’t have to break the bank.